Philly Case has been a full-service case company for over 30 years and is an authorized dealer for the leading molded case manufacturers like Pelican, SKB, Nanuk, Seahorse, and Flambeau. Having the option to choose from these leading manufacturers allows us the ability to offer customers a range of sizes, affordability, durability, and customization. Philly Case has a full-service foam fabrication facility in our 30,000 square foot factory just outside of Philadelphia. For larger production quantities, we also offer our own line of roto-molded cases that can be designed and specified to our customer’s needs.
Custom Molded Cases

We can customize any of our partner cases!

Custom Foam Interiors
Philly Case’s design team has worked with customers from all industries to customize foam interiors for Pelican, SKB, Nanuk, Seahorse, and Flambeau molded cases. Our team of designers and engineers works with CAD software and Solidworks and can start from an existing specification or work with you to establish a design that meets your needs. This enables us to work with smaller companies that may not have in house engineering capabilities or large companies that simply need Philly Case to fabricate the foam with precision. Philly Case customers receive foam inserts that are CNC routed, waterjet cut or die pressed allowing us to meet intricate design requirements and large quantity demand.

Custom Roto-Molded Cases
When a stock size molded case is not available or a customer demands a proprietary design, Philly Case is equipped to work with customers to develop a fully customized and distinct shell and interior for your product. Over the past three decades, Philly Case has developed numerous proprietary roto-molded cases to meet technical and marketing requirements for our customers across varying industries. When it comes to starting from scratch, there are few limitations. Along with the ability to receive a distinctive case, our customers can rest assured that their case will be 100% manufactured in the USA.